Odd text formatting on edit

I have never had this problem in any previous projects, but for some
reason all text_area inputs that contain a new line result in a huge



results in when editting

| World

I have stripped out all text formatting on record saves, as well as
formating when filling the text box.

Has anyone seen this before?


If you aren’t using haml, ignore this.

If you are using haml, this can happen due to how haml formats its

To fix this in haml, tweak to your haml statement in the view to use the
tilde instead of an equals when defining text areas, like the proj_text
field below:


  • form_for @project do |f|
    %td= Project:
    %td= f.text_field :proj_name, :size => 30
    %td Description:
    %td= f.text_field :proj_desc, :size => 120
    %td Notes:
    %td~ f.text_area :proj_text, :cols => 90, :rows => 20
    %td= f.submit “Save”


If you’re generating the text_area contents from rails you may want to
suppressing the new line when closing your ERb phrases like this:

<%= Time.now -%>

instead of

<%= Time.now %>

Just an idea.


iso … wrote:

I have never had this problem in any previous projects, but for some
reason all text_area inputs that contain a new line result in a huge



results in when editting

| World

I have stripped out all text formatting on record saves, as well as
formating when filling the text box.

Has anyone seen this before?


Ar Chron wrote:

If you aren’t using haml, ignore this.

If you are using haml, this can happen due to how haml formats its

To fix this in haml, tweak to your haml statement in the view to use the
tilde instead of an equals when defining text areas, like the proj_text
field below:


  • form_for @project do |f|
    %td= Project:
    %td= f.text_field :proj_name, :size => 30
    %td Description:
    %td= f.text_field :proj_desc, :size => 120
    %td Notes:
    %td~ f.text_area :proj_text, :cols => 90, :rows => 20
    %td= f.submit “Save”

I should have mentioned that I am using Haml this time around. That
fixed the problem.

Thank you very much.