Odd replace_html outcome

In my controller I have a simple “create” method and in the output
section, I have:

  format.js do
    @traces = Trace.getLatest
    render :update do |page|
      page.visual_effect :highlight, :homeContentPanel
      page.replace_html :homeContentPanel, :partial => "home/

traceList", :locals => { :traces => @traces}, :layout => false

The intent is to, of course, simply updated a div “homeContentPanel”
with the results of a partial. The partial that is normally a part
of the div anyway.

What I get is a completely odd formatted output. A sample is below.

Try { new Effect.Highlight(“homeContentPanel”,{});
Element.update(“homeContentPanel”, "
\n \n Time\n Description\n Date Entered

It’s as if it’s in debug mode.


On 24 Sep 2008, at 18:30, sullivan.t wrote:


The intent is to, of course, simply updated a div “homeContentPanel”
with the results of a partial. The partial that is normally a part
of the div anyway.

What I get is a completely odd formatted output. A sample is below.

Try { new Effect.Highlight(“homeContentPanel”,{});
Element.update(“homeContentPanel”, "
\n \n Time\n Description\n Date Entered

It’s as if it’s in debug mode.


Your link_to_remote, form_remote_tag etc… is using an :update option
which means “stick the response from the server in this element” but
you’re using a render :update block which means “generate some
javascript to perform some changes”

Do one or the other, but not both.


…oh… oh… right. I knew that. You passed.

Thanks a billion. :slight_smile:

On Sep 24, 1:34 pm, Frederick C. [email protected]