Odd problem in Agile tutorial

I am getting an undefined method error in my cart.rb class when trying
to find in an array. I cannot see what my error is. Perhaps a view
more eyes can help me with this:

1 class Cart
3 attr_reader :items
4 attr_reader :total_price
6 def initialize
7 @items = []
8 @total_price = 0.0
9 end
11 def add_product(product)
12 # @items << LineItem.for_product(product)
13 item = @items.find {|i| i.product_id == product.id}
14 if item
15 item.quantity += 1
16 else
17 item = LineItem.for_product(product)
18 @items << item
19 end
20 @total_price += product.price
21 end
23 end


gives this in the stack trace:

method_missing' #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/cart.rb:13:inadd_product’

The only method that I can see called in line 13 is #find since
product_id is a defined column in line_items:

CREATE TABLE line_items (
id bigserial NOT NULL,
product_id bigint NOT NULL,
quantity numeric(10,2) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
unit_price money NOT NULL

with this as line_items.rb in app/models

1 class LineItem < ActiveRecord::Base
3 belongs_to :product
5 def self.for_product(product)
6 item = self.new
7 item.quantity = 1
8 item.product = product
9 item.unit_price = product.price
10 item
11 end
12 end

Can anyone provide me with a clue about what I have missed?


I resolved this by first stopping the webrick server and then flushing
the browser cache and cookies. I am not sure why this worked but it
must have since I made no changes to the code. If someone can enlighten
me regarding this behaviour I would apprciated it. The browser in use
is Firefox v1.5.0.1.
