Odd fixture behavior

Hello all,
I am upgrading an older app from rails 1.2.3 to rails 2.0.2 and am
upgrading rspec and rspec-on-rails to 1.1.3 in the process.
After upgrading I am getting some weird errors relating to fixtures.
Most of the model example groups have fixtures declared at the top.
What is odd is that I can run any given spec file individually with the
spec command and they run just fine. However, when I run all the specs
with rake spec certain spec groups fail due to fixtures not being loaded
properly. Meaning, the DB should of been populated by the fixtures but
in the specs the tables are empty. I have ran ‘./script/generate rspec’
and in my spec_helper.rb I have:

Spec::Runner.configure do |config|
config.use_transactional_fixtures = true
config.use_instantiated_fixtures = false

I know that rspec just relies on the test::unit fixture framework that
rails provides so this isn’t really a rspec issue but I’m hoping that
someone on this list may have some ideas on what could be going wrong
here. Were there changes to the way fixtures worked in rails 2.0 that
would effect how I am doing things? I haven’t used fixtures for ever
(switched to a factory instead) so I haven’t really kept up with there
changes… Any ideas on what could be wrong or how I could troubleshoot
this problem would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,


Ben M. wrote:

‘./script/generate rspec’ and in my spec_helper.rb I have:
(switched to a factory instead) so I haven’t really kept up with there
changes… Any ideas on what could be wrong or how I could
troubleshoot this problem would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,


rspec-users mailing list
[email protected]

Okay… nm… I resolved the issue. I don’t know exactly what was wrong
and I don’t want to take the time/energy to figure it out… but
something with my before(:all)'s were not playing well with the
fixtures. By changing some of them to before(:each)'s it seemed to fix
the problem. My best guess is that my before all’s were dependent on
the fixtures already being loaded when they were ran but that is not the
case anymore.
Sorry for the spam… Thanks,