Odd Behavior During Testing

I’m completely lost here. Can anyone shed some light on this?

In the SnS extension I have created the following…

In styles_n_scripts_extension.rb (activate method):
SiteController.send :include, SiteControllerExtensions

In the /lib/site_controller_extensions.rb file:
module SiteControllerExtensions; end (Yes, it’s empty. I stripped
everything out trying to debug)

In the failing spec (describing SiteController):
it “should render an existing page” do
get :show_page, :url => ‘/’
response.body.should == “Hello World!”

Apparently, the SiteController also mixes-in the login_system which
creates its own before_filter that calls the #authenticate method. This
method, in turn, calls no_login_required? SiteController should
respond ‘true’ – that no login is required. But here’s where it gets

If I comment out my include line (the one in the extension’s activate
method above) SiteController does, indeed respond ‘true’ to
no_login_required? But, the minute I add in that include and mix in my
extensions – even with nothing in my mixed-in module –
SiteController starts responding ‘false’ – that login is required. My
spec’ed get request then returns a redirect to the login page.

This only happens when running specs. Testing with a server in
development mode works fine. Thoughts anyone?



Further testing shows that when I don’t include my module, I can verify
during any controller’s spec that:
controllers_where_no_login_required = [SiteController]

As soon as I mix it in (even though it’s an empty module), during the
environment init and just before specs start to run:
controllers_where_no_login_required = [SiteController]

But once the specs start to run, I get:
controllers_where_no_login_required = []

Which, of course, messes up the tests.

Sounds like rSpec could be getting in the way but I don’t even know
where to start here. Can anyone provide some insight – or even just
suggest some way to start tackling this?


Does the site work ok when you boot the server? Or is it only tests
that are broken?


Only tests (specs, actually).