ODBC and Ruby

hello, I’m new in ruby, I’ve problems conneting ruby odbc with informix
db, in tbles with thousand records my program always retruns no rows,

this is the test program:

sth=c.prepare(“select * from anopta”)

if sth.ncols == 0 then
puts “Statement has no result set”
printf “Number of rows affected: %d\n”, sth.nrows
puts “Statement has a result set”
printf “Number of rows: %d\n”, sth.nrows
printf “Number of columns: %d\n”, sth.ncols

this is the output

Statement has a result set
Number of rows: -1
Number of columns: 5

The table has 5 colums and 300 rows

I don’t know if this problem is specific for informix databases

thank u very much

Hello Lorenzo,

On Nov 23, 2007 7:55 AM, lorenzo [email protected] wrote:

 printf "Number of rows affected: %d\n", sth.nrows

Statement has a result set
Number of rows: -1
Number of columns: 5

The table has 5 colums and 300 rows

I don’t know if this problem is specific for informix databases

thank u very much

May I suggest you to try the Informix extension instead?


On 2007-11-23 17:32:25 +0100, Gerardo S. Gómez Garrido
[email protected] said:
Is not so easy, I’m using Macosx and I don’ have informix sdk for it
Have you any ideas?
Thank you :slight_smile:

On Nov 23, 2007 11:20 AM, lorenzo [email protected] wrote:

On 2007-11-23 17:32:25 +0100, Gerardo S. Gómez Garrido
[email protected] said:
Is not so easy, I’m using Macosx and I don’ have informix sdk for it

I see.

Have you any ideas?
Thank you :slight_smile:

Yes. I have just remembered (I used to use ruby-odbc with Informix two
years ago) that nrows didn’t return any useful value to me for
Informix. Ignore it. You can’t know how many records a SELECT returns
in Informix before fetching them.

On 2007-11-23 18:50:22 +0100, Gerardo S. Gómez Garrido
[email protected] said:

Yes. I have just remembered (I used to use ruby-odbc with Informix two
years ago) that nrows didn’t return any useful value to me for
Informix. Ignore it. You can’t know how many records a SELECT returns
in Informix before fetching them.

Yes, but querying the table, the rs seems to be empty, ruby give me
warning message for no methods for NilClass in each. So I supose the rs
is empty, anywhere nrows doesn’t work you are right.