I am using xilinx ISE 11.1 to rebuild FPGA source.
With command
/gnuradio/usrp2/fpga/top/u2_rev3$ make bin
I get error
while executing
“project set $key $opt -process $process”
invoked from within
“if ![string compare $process “Project”] {
project set $key $opt
} else {
project set $key $opt -process $process
invoked from within
“if $state {
set key $opt
set state 0
} else {
puts “>>> Setting: $process[$key] = $opt”
if ![string compare $process “Project”] {
(“foreach” body line 2)
invoked from within
“foreach opt $options {
if $state {
set key $opt
set state 0
} else {
puts “>>> Setting: $process[$key] = $opt”
if ![string compare …”
(procedure “set_props” line 6)
invoked from within
“set_props “Map” $env(MAP_PROPERTIES)”
invoked from within
"if [file isfile $env(PROJ_FILE)] {
puts “>>> Opening project: $env(PROJ_FILE)”
project open $env(PROJ_FILE)
} else {
puts “>>> Creating project: $…”
(file “…/tcl/ise_helper.tcl” line 43)
make: *** [bin] Error 1
Is it because of ISE version problem?