Observing collection_select + text_field

<%= collection_select(:category, :id, @categories, :id, :name, options ={:prompt => "-Select categories-"}, :class=>"category_dropdown_list") %>
    <%= text_field_tag :search, params[:search], :id=>"search_form",

:value=>params[:search] %>

              <%= observe_field 'search_form',
                          :frequency => 0.5,
                          :url => { :controller => 'auth_user',

:action => ‘get_results’ },
:loading =>
:complete =>
:with => “‘search_text=’ + escape(value)”

I can observe the text_field, but how do I send the current selected
value of the collection_select also. :with => selected item in


Try observe_field instead, and leave off the :with.

You don’t need :with most of the time unless you’re trying to change the
field. See the API.

On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 4:19 PM, Justin To
<[email protected]

On 31 Jul 2008, at 22:21, Brian H. wrote:

Try observe_field instead, and leave off the :with.

You don’t need :with most of the time unless you’re trying to change
the field. See the API.

You do need it if you want to submit more than one field. I wrote up
some usages of :with a while back
(:with or :without you: link_to_remote's mysterious parameter - Space Vatican
Depending on usage observe_form may be a better fit.


Ooops should have phrased that differently. Fred’s explanation is great,

On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 4:34 PM, Frederick C. <

On Jul 31, 11:15 pm, Justin To [email protected]

I read through your article Fred, but I’m still lost trying to figure
out how to pass the two values. How do I even access the values?

Will evaluate to

I saw that in your article…so should I give the collection_select and
text_field id’s and use two of these: $(‘comment’).serialize()?

Yes. One of the examples given was :with => "$(‘message’).serialize()

  • ‘&’ + $(‘comment’).serialize()"


I read through your article Fred, but I’m still lost trying to figure
out how to pass the two values. How do I even access the values?


I saw that in your article…so should I give the collection_select and
text_field id’s and use two of these: $(‘comment’).serialize()?


Great, got it to work. Thanks a bunch Fred!