Observe_filed Rails 3

I am trying to accomplish an observe_field in rails 3.
In rails 2.3.5 I have :-
<%= observe_field ‘query’, :frequency => 2,
:update => “search_results”,
:url => {:controller => params[:area], :action =>
“search”,:area => params[:area]},
:with => “query” %>
Which works fine, checking my text_field_tag “query” and updating my
“search_results” every two seconds. This is what I am trying to
simulate using prototype.

At the moment I have in a basic application in Rails 3:-


both of which triggers the respondToChange function when the page
loads, despite the “dom:loaded”, and then does not observes anymore.

Does anyone have any idea of how I might obtain the repeated observer
checks on my “search” text_field_tag.

With thanks to “themiddleman” and “agnaki” somewhere out there in the
ether, I have solved the problem:-

Use respondToChange not respondToChange()

As the parensthesis () execute the function wheras without () it
references it.

$(‘search’).observe(‘change’, respondToChange()); only triggers when
the focus is moved away from the text_field.

new Form.Element.Observer(
) }); …repeatedly checks the text_field
and call the function every 1 second if there is a any change.

I now only have one small problem.
How to call the “form_tag” from the function.
Anyone have any ideas.

On Nov 12, 2010, at 9:08 PM, MDM wrote:

You might try this.up(‘form’) inside your function, as inside the
anonymous function, this is set to the ‘search’ field. If that doesn’t
work, you can always do it long-hand with myForm = $


Walter Many thanks I have cracked it.


I will post the whole code later. I owe you a drink. Contact me on


Here is my full code if anyone is interested. This code Observes the
text_field_tag “search” every 2 seconds and if there is a change in
the value it triggers a search automatically. The submit button can
now be done away with I think. I might add “:autocomplete =>
“off”, :onKeyPress=>“return disableEnterKey(event)”) %>” to the
text_field_tag to disable the return key, not sure.

In my index.html.erb I have:-

<h1>Listing homepages</h1>
<div id = "testsearch">
   <%=render :partial => 'homepage'%>
<%= form_tag homepages_path, :method => 'get', :remote => true do

<%= label_tag(:search, “Search for:”) %>
<%= text_field_tag :search, params[:search]%>
<%= submit_tag “search”, :name => nil %>

<%= set_focus_to_id 'search' %>               // I have a helper


document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {   // ensures the page

is loaded first
new Form.Element.Observer( // Observes
the text_field_tag every 2 seconds
respondToChange //refrences the function
in the Layout
) // on a
change in search calls respondToChange

<%= link_to ‘New Homepage’, new_homepage_path %>

In my application Layout head I have:_

function respondToChange() {
$('search').up('form').submit()            // The ".up finds the

form in the DOM"

In my controller#index I have:-

 def index
  @homepages = Homepage.search(params[:search]) //".search method

is in the Model"
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.erb
format.xml { render :xml => @homepages }

In my Model I have:-

def self.search(search_item)
   if search_item
    self.where('section LIKE ?', "%#{search_item}%")    //Handles

the ajax call.
self.all //Handles
the html call on startup.

In the helper I have:-

def set_focus_to_id(id)

In the “_homepage” partial I have:-


<% for homepage in @homepages %>

    <td><%= homepage.id %></td>
    <td><%= homepage.section %></td>
    <td><%= homepage.link %></td>
    <td><%= homepage.description %></td>
    <td><%= link_to 'Show', homepage %></td>
    <td><%= link_to 'Edit', edit_homepage_path(homepage) %></td>
    <td><%= link_to 'Destroy', homepage, :confirm => 'Are you

sure?’, :method => :delete %>



And in the index.js.erb I have:-

$('testsearch').update("<%= escape_javascript(render :partial =>

‘homepage’) %>");

If anyone has any comments on how I could improve this please contact
me or say so.

Thanks for posting…I’ve been trying to figure out how to do the same

I just noticed that the form_tag does an ajax call when a submit
button is pressed, but when it is submitted via a
Form.Element.Observer it goes by html.

Does anyone know how can I force the Form.element.Observer to send an
ajax call instead of an html call.

I think I have now solved the problem of doing an ajax call via
programming. I will have to check it out in all types of browsers, but
at the moment it is working in Firefox and Safari. I have now also
moved both javascript "document.observe(“dom:loaded” and the function
it calls “respondToChange()” to the application head with content_for.
All other files remain the same.

In my index.html.erb I now have:-

Listing homepages

<%=render :partial => 'homepage'%>
<%= form_tag homepages_path, :method => 'get', :remote => true do %> <%= label_tag(:search, "Search for:") %> <%= text_field_tag :search, params[:search]%> <%= submit_tag "search", :name => nil %> <%end%>

<%= set_focus_to_id ‘search’ %>

<% content_for :search_javascript do %>

function respondToChange() {

var pars = 'search=' + $('search').getValue()

    new Ajax.Request("<%= homepages_path %>" ,{
  method: 'get',
  parameters: pars


document.observe(“dom:loaded”, function() {
new Form.Element.Observer(



<% end %>

<%= link_to 'New Homepage', new_homepage_path %>

In my application layout file I now have:-

GardenR3 <%= stylesheet_link_tag :all %> <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> <%= csrf_meta_tag %>

<%= yield %>