
I’m trying to update the content in a div while the value of a hidden
field is changed.

<%= hidden_field “location”, “id”, “value” => 0 %>

<%= observe_field(“location_id”,
:update => “ci_location_container”,
:url => { :controller => :ci, :action => :choose_ci_location_ui },
:method => “post”,
:with => “‘location_id=’+value”) %>

There is no response. But when I replaced the hidden_field with a
select, it worked. I need to implement the observe_field with
hidden_field itself. Please help me…

When you test this…
is the request going out
how are you changing the hidden field?

Keynan P. wrote:

When you test this…
is the request going out
how are you changing the hidden field?

There is a link called choose location. When I click on it, a popup box
for selecting the location is shown. When I click on one location, the
value of the hidden field will be changed.
The code for changing the value of the hidden_field is given below:

In the view search_ci_location.rhtml under popup controller:

location.street %>

brewpoo wrote:

I don’t think that will trigger correctly. Can’t you add an Ajax
request to the setLocation function directly?

On Jan 21, 4:52 am, Suneeta Km [email protected]

Can u please show me an example of how to do this?

I don’t think that will trigger correctly. Can’t you add an Ajax
request to the setLocation function directly?

On Jan 21, 4:52 am, Suneeta Km [email protected]