Observe_field value in controller

how do I access the value of the field referenced in observe_field
from within my controller for the action specified?

I have a select with id “channelnotes” on it, to which I have an
observe_field that correctly works in calling channels.notesboxchange.
In my controller, I am trying to pick up the value of the select from
puts params[‘channelnotes’] and puts params[:channelnotes] and getting
nil, even when the select has text selected in it.

I must be doing something stoopid. Below is my .html.erb, as well as
the html/js produced by it. Thanks, Janna B.

<% form_for :associates, :html => {:name => ‘upsform’,:id =>
‘upsform’},:url=>{ :action =>“uplog_update_form”, :controller
=>“channels”} do |f| %>

Notes: Subrata Chakrabarty Tiger Software India
<%= observe_field "channelnotes", :url => {:controller => :channels, :action => 'notesboxchange'} %>
Notes: Subrata Chakrabarty Tiger Software India
//<![CDATA[ new Form.Element.EventObserver('channelnotes', function(element, value) {new Ajax.Request('/channels/notesboxchange', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, parameters:value + '&authenticity_token=' + encodeURIComponent('S7PkvbfwdF+Da2/ PbRUKW0YThoCF+qMynOAJyQoOi3c=')})}) //]]> </script>

On Thu, 2009-07-09 at 12:43 -0700, JannaB wrote:

how do I access the value of the field referenced in observe_field
from within my controller for the action specified?

<%= observe_field “channelnotes”,
:url => {:controller=> :channels, :action => ‘notesboxchange’}
:with => whatever_you_want_the_parameter_key_to_be_named


THanks Bill, yes it works now as:

<%= observe_field “channelnotes”,