Observe_field synchronous request

I am using an observe field that completely re-renders a page based on
what language the user selects. I would like to do this and force the
action into a sychronous action so when the user wants to copy the url
and e-mail it to someone else, they get the same language. Any clue how
to do this? If you can do it without observe_field, that would be fine
with me, but it needs to happen as soon as the user picks a selection
from the drop down menu.

<%= f.select_tag :show_language, options_for_select([“English”,
“French”, “Spanish”]) %>

<%= observe_field(:show_language, :update => ‘wrapper’,:url => {:action
=> :search_language, :phrase => @phrase.word},
:frequency => 0.2, :on => ‘focus’,
:with => “‘language=’ + encodeURIComponent(value)”) %>

Using rails 2.0.2 and leopard 10.5.

On 14 Jun 2008, at 04:11, Richard S. wrote:

<%= f.select_tag :show_language, options_for_select([“English”,
“French”, “Spanish”]) %>

Have you tried using the select tag’s onchange property (:onchange =>
remote_function(:url => {…}) ?
What do you mean by forcing the action into a synchronous action ?


Frederick C. wrote:

On 14 Jun 2008, at 04:11, Richard S. wrote:

<%= select_tag :show_language, options_for_select([“English”,
“French”, “Spanish”]) %>

Have you tried using the select tag’s onchange property (:onchange =>
remote_function(:url => {…}) ?
What do you mean by forcing the action into a synchronous action ?


That is way simpler than using observe field thanks!

By “forcing a synchronous action” i meant that i wanted the page to
refresh totally, with a new url and everything. When i use :onchange or
observe_field, i can only :update => “a_portion_of_the_page” and my url
doesn’t change. So if a user used my select box to change the language
from english to french and then coppied the url and sent it to someone
else, when the other person clicked the url, it will incorrectly take
them to the page marked as english. AJAX is awesome, but sometimes its a
pain in the ass.

So if you know how to force the server to re-render the entire page even
if the action is triggered with ajax, let me know, thanks!!

So if you know how to force the server to re-render the entire page even
if the action is triggered with ajax, let me know, thanks!!

scrap the update and either:

  • in your rjs use page.redirect_to
  • or, don’t use ajax at all (ie just write the onselect yourself. you
    can use update_page if you can’t stand writing raw javascript)


scrap the update and either:

  • in your rjs use page.redirect_to
  • or, don’t use ajax at all (ie just write the onselect yourself. you
    can use update_page if you can’t stand writing raw javascript)


From the api, update_page doesn’t look it can be used to force my url to
be changed, page.redirect_to looks promising, but i’m not familiar with
rjs implementation. In rails 1.6 when passing a ajax call such as <%=
link_to_remote %> it used to be as simple as passing :type =>
:synchronous in the code, but this doesn’t seem to work anymore, and I
can’t find any info on it online. can you point me to an example?

On 14 Jun 2008, at 17:48, Richard S. wrote:

scrap the update and either:

  • in your rjs use page.redirect_to
  • or, don’t use ajax at all (ie just write the onselect yourself. you
    can use update_page if you can’t stand writing raw javascript)


From the api, update_page doesn’t look it can be used to force my
url to
update_page just creates a javascript generator (the think that rjs
uses), so for example

update_page do |page|
page.redirect_to …

will produce window.location = …

be changed, page.redirect_to looks promising, but i’m not familiar
rjs implementation.

page.redirect_to takes the same arguments as a ‘normal’ redirect_to

In rails 1.6 when passing a ajax call such as <%=
link_to_remote %> it used to be as simple as passing :type =>
:synchronous in the code, but this doesn’t seem to work anymore, and I

rails 1.6? I think you must be imagining things. A ajax request can
certainly be asynchronous or synchronous, but that’s got nothing to do
with what you’re after.
