Object with many paperclip photos

I have an object that has multiple photos uploaded to it, using the
paperclip plugin. I used a virtual attribute to have mutliple photos
in the form but I can’t figure out how to get the image to save. It
works if I put <%= photo_form.file_field :image_file_name %> instead
of just :image. If I use just the following, the image_file_name
field is blank when it is saved.

<% for photo in @analysis.photos %>
<% fields_for “analysis[photo_attributes][]”, photo do |photo_form|

image description: <%= photo_form.text_field :description %>
<%= photo_form.file_field :image %>

<% end %>
<% end %>


Could You post what is generated by the form?

Paperclip is enough smart with mass saving and when he has
params[:model][:image] poiting to Your file through file_field :image
it should just grab the file (from Rack TMP) and save it as a image.


this is what is generated by the form. I separated the lines at
‘Image 1’ which is the value I entered in for the Image description
but it shows NULL for the image attributes (image_file_name, etc)

Processing AnalysesController#create (for at 2010-03-31
09:26:53) [POST]
Parameters: {“authenticity_token”=>“WuQMc
“analysis”=>{“author”=>“Author 1”,
“photo_attributes”=>[{“description”=>“Image 1”,
“image”=>“IMG_3132.JPG”}, {“description”=>"", “image”=>""},
{“description”=>"", “image”=>""}]}, “commit”=>“Create”}
Analysis Columns (2.3ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM analyses
Photo Columns (1.6ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM photos
SQL (0.2ms) BEGIN
Analysis Create (0.7ms) INSERT INTO analyses (problematik,
comment, technique, samplenbr, ref, worknbr, date,
author, record, created_at, updated_at, images) VALUES(NULL,
NULL, NULL, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, NULL, ‘Author 1’, 0, ‘2010-03-31 07:26:53’,
‘2010-03-31 07:26:53’, NULL)
Photo Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO photos (description,
author, created_at, updated_at, image_file_name,
image_content_type, image_file_size, image_updated_at,
analysis_id) VALUES

(‘Image 1’,

NULL, ‘2010-03-31 07:26:53’, ‘2010-03-31 07:26:53’, NULL, NULL, NULL,
NULL, 14)

ES wrote:

I have an object that has multiple photos uploaded to it, using the
paperclip plugin. I used a virtual attribute to have mutliple photos
in the form but I can’t figure out how to get the image to save. It
works if I put <%= photo_form.file_field :image_file_name %> instead
of just :image. If I use just the following, the image_file_name
field is blank when it is saved.

<% for photo in @analysis.photos %>
<% fields_for “analysis[photo_attributes][]”, photo do |photo_form|

image description: <%= photo_form.text_field :description %>
<%= photo_form.file_field :image %>

<% end %>
<% end %>

I know in Rails 2.3.5 there’s an easier way to do this, but I cheated a
bit an used attribute_fu because of this cool helper method.

<% form_for :analysis, @analysis, :url => analysis_path, :html => {
:multipart => true } do |analysis_form| %>
<%= analysis_form.render_associated_form(@analysis.photos, :new => 4) %>
<%= analysis_form.submit(‘Submit’) %>

Then you just add a partial called _photo.html.erb inside your analysis
view folder, and throw in

<%= analysis_form.label(:image) %>
<%= analysis_form.file_field(:image) %>

In your model you would put

class Analysis < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :photos, :attributes => true

Hope that helps.


It should work but I would recommend using
accepts_nested_attributes_for :image.

Few screencasts:
