Object doesn't support #inspect in rails 3.2.1

I migrate my application from rails 2.3.11 to rails 3.2.1

My models

class Campaign < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :campaign_reports

class CampaignReport < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :campaign

In console
c = Campaign.first

I got the output but when I do


I got

(Object doesn’t support #inspect)

I m using
rails 3.2.1
ruby ruby 1.9.2p290
gem 1.8.15
rvm 1.10.2

Please help me :frowning:

On 24 February 2012 13:27, Manish N. [email protected] wrote:

(Object doesn’t support #inspect)
What happens if you do c.campaign_reports.first


I got the output but when I do


I got

(Object doesn’t support #inspect)

Update ruby to 1.9.3 (much more stable).
Be sure you’ve updated Rails correctly (Gemset file and all configs).
Update all gems you have and bundle it again.

If nothing happens, revise all third-party libs and plugins for

Colin L. wrote in post #1048639:

On 24 February 2012 13:27, Manish N. [email protected] wrote:

(Object doesn’t support #inspect)
What happens if you do c.campaign_reports.first


If I do

I got error
NoMethodError: undefined method `zero?’ for :+:Symbol

On 24 February 2012 13:43, Manish N. [email protected] wrote:

I got error
NoMethodError: undefined method `zero?’ for :+:Symbol

What do you see when you do c=Campaign.first in the console, and what if
you do

I have to agree with Manish, it sounds like an gem not updated to
correct version.


Valery K. wrote in post #1048646:

I got the output but when I do


I got

(Object doesn’t support #inspect)

Update ruby to 1.9.3 (much more stable).
Be sure you’ve updated Rails correctly (Gemset file and all configs).
Update all gems you have and bundle it again.

If nothing happens, revise all third-party libs and plugins for


I just create one new project and everything work fine there.

But in my migrate project console is not working properly.
Following process I follow -

  1. Create new rails application
  2. shifting old code to new rails
  3. all gems in Gemfile is updated
  4. Using Restful authentication plugin for rails 3.2.1

Colin L. wrote in post #1048648:

On 24 February 2012 13:43, Manish N. [email protected] wrote:

I got error
NoMethodError: undefined method `zero?’ for :+:Symbol

What do you see when you do c=Campaign.first in the console, and what if
you do

I have to agree with Manish, it sounds like an gem not updated to
correct version.


How can I find which gem is not updated to correct version?

On 24 February 2012 14:08, Manish N. [email protected] wrote:

I have to agree with Manish, it sounds like an gem not updated to
correct version.


How can I find which gem is not updated to correct version?

Is there a stack trace with the error? If so see if any clues there.
Post it here if you can’t see anything helpful.


what I found is this

warning: encoding option is ignored - u
warning: encoding option is ignored - u
warning: encoding option is ignored - u

On 25 February 2012 05:30, Manish N. [email protected] wrote:

what I found is this


warning: encoding option is ignored - u

Well since I see that the last update to soap4r was in 2007 I think it
unlikely that it supports rails 3 [1]
Googling for soap4r rails 3 provided [2] which may be helpful. Did
you not notice yourself that soap4r has not been updated for a long

[1] http://rubyforge.org/projects/soap4r/
[2] GitHub - KarateCode/soap4r: soap4r for Ruby 1.9


On 24.02.2012, at 18:02, Manish N. wrote:

  1. Using Restful authentication plugin for rails 3.2.1
    What I usually do when meet the problem like that. (Rails 3.2 - is a
    huge difference compared with 2.3, so, be patient. :slight_smile:
  1. If it possible, i would to read the all error raising stuff to
    determine which part of code is the source of incompatibility. If there
    is no detailed information - it most likely the problem in some gem(s).
  2. I would have switched off gems one by one and check the error again.
    Start with a gem, extending the ActiveRecord. If you found it - google
    to a solution. :slight_smile:

Rails is NOT MAGIC!