Not verifying SSL hostname of LDAPS server 'host.domain:636'


I know this is all over the internet but I wasn’t able to get the data that I need after doing lots of trial and errors from the solutions that I’ve found online. I need to have it as anonymous bind.

Here is my code. It’s in rubocop format. I cannot get any data of computer01 in allomputers OU using the Anything that I’ve been missing?


require 'net/ldap'

hostname = 'computer01' 
domain = 'host.domain'
treebase = 'OU=allcomputers,DC=host,DC=domain'

ldap = host: domain,
                     port: 636,
                     base: treebase,
                     encryption: { method: :simple_tls, tls_options: { verify_mode: OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE } } ,
		     force_no_page: true

filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.eq('CN', hostname) treebase, filter: filter) do |entry|
	p entry.dn
	# not verifying SSL hostname of LDAPS server 'allcomputer.domain:636'

Thank you.

What errors do you get?

I cannot get data of the computer01 and get only the not verifying SSL hostname of LDAPS server 'allcomputer.domain:636'