On 20/09/11 07:15 AM, ahmad wrote:
i ran marcus script, grc works fine. i ran many fm receivers but i
received only
white noise and no signal or sound. anyone has a working example for
n210 uhd?
thanks all
marcus said:
If you run a uhd_fft.py, tuned to the correct frequency, do you receive
a spectral plot that looks
“reasonable” ?
answer to marcus:
yes the spectral plot is reasonable, but still have no sound.
Probably a signal magnitude issue then. Don’t forget that UHD scales
everything into
{-1.0,1.0}. If you’ve adapted some of the “classic” examples to UHD,
you may need to
put a multiplier block right after the UHD source.
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium
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