Not receiving form data using form_remote_for


I’m having a problem that I am sure there is a simple solution for, but
I can’t see it.

I have the following partial:

<% form_for :time_entry,,
:url => hash_for_time_entries_url(:period => @period, :action =>
:html => { :id => ‘time-entry-form’ } do |f| %>

Timer: <%= f.text_field('hours', :size => 4, :value => entry.hours) -%> Beskrivelse: <%= f.text_field('description', :size => 40, :value => entry.description)-%> <%= submit_tag 'Lagre' %>
<% end %>

On submit I receive: Parameters: {“time_entry”=>{“description”=>“Test”,
“hours”=>“10”}, “commit”=>“Lagre”, “period”=>“3”, “action”=>“new”,
“controller”=>“period”} as I expected but when changing the form_for to
form_remote_for I only receive this:

Parameters: {“period”=>“3”, “action”=>“new”, “controller”=>“period”}

Does anyone have a clue what I am missing here?

Thanks, Andr

try to remote all the table stuff. I have the same here but don’t yet
know why it behaves like this.


rake rails:update seemed to fix the problem.
