Not Null


I tried to find the not null elements from database

@genus_counts = Table.count(:all, :conditions=> {:col1 => params[:gm],
=> nil}, :without => {:col3 => nil})

its not recognising “without” function.


@genus_counts = Table.count(:all, :conditions=> {:col1 => params[:gm],
!= nil :col2 => nil})

its not recognising “!=” operator… Kindly suggest me and correct

With Regards
Palani Kannan. K

PalaniKannan K wrote in post #950423:

I tried to find the not null elements from database

@genus_counts = Table.count(:all, :conditions=> {:col1 => params[:gm],
=> nil}, :without => {:col3 => nil})

In SQL you don’t use equality to find NULL values.

SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE my_col IS NULL;
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE my_col IS NOT NULL;

:conditions => [ “col1 = ? and col2 IS NULL and col3 IS NOT NULL”,
params[:gm] ]

Dear All,

@genus_count = Table.count(:all, :conditions => [‘col3 is not null and
col2 is null and col1 = ?’, params[:gm])

<%= @genus_count %>

It works.

With Regards,

Palani Kannan. K,

Walter D. wrote in post #954658:

On which database(s)? This is something I have wrestled with before on
SQLite deploying to MySQL. What works on one fails on the other, and

AFAIK this syntax work fine in both SQLite and MySQL and every other
database backend I’ve used. I believe it is compliant with SQL '92

On which database(s)? This is something I have wrestled with before on
SQLite deploying to MySQL. What works on one fails on the other, and
