I have problems to see existing values in several FormOptionsHelpers…
(text_area or select for example):
<% @models.each do |model| %>
<% form_for “model”, model, :url => { :action => :update } do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :name %> // works
<%= text_area “model”, “text” %> // doesn’t work…
<%= select “model”, “mode”, […] %> // doesn’t work…
<% end %>
<% end %>
I don’t get any errors, but the values of the models doesn’t show in the
The text_field will have the value of model.name, but the textarea is
empty (model.text is not empty) and the selection of the select dropdown
is not working…
When @foo = Model.find(:first) this will work fine:
<% form_for “foo”, foo, :url => { :action => :update } do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :name %> // works
<%= text_area “foo”, “text” %> // works
<%= select “foo”, “mode”, […] %> // works
<% end %>
Just in the each-loop something doesn’t work
Please Help Me!