Noob - nested resource and destroy


I have an articles controller and an admin/articles…routes.rb:

map.resource :articles

map.namespace :admin do |admin|
admin.resources :articles

Normally I could refer to the admin_article_path series of
routes…edit_admin_article_path(asdf) for example - but a link_to for
destroy isn’t working out. It’s looking in the Articles controller
rather than the Admin::Articles controller.

I’ve tried:

<%= link_to ‘Destroy’, admin_article

etc etc - always get an undefined local variable or method.

I did just notice in my controllers/admin/articles_controller.rb that
I’m doing things like:

@articles = Article.find,etc rather than Admin::Article find - maybe
this could be it…im crossing controllers up?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

On Sep 14, 12:48 pm, Richard Mr [email protected]

Normally I could refer to the admin_article_path series of
etc etc - always get an undefined local variable or method.

I did just notice in my controllers/admin/articles_controller.rb that
I’m doing things like:

@articles = Article.find,etc rather than Admin::Article find - maybe
this could be it…im crossing controllers up?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Try this:

link_to “Destroy”, admin_article_url(@article), :confirm => “Are you
sure you want to delete this article?”, :method => :delete

You can omit the confirm parameter if you wish.

BTW, the above uses javascript, so it won’t work if your user has
javascript disabled. The reason being for it is that the destroy call
has to be wrapped in a POST method.