I have 2 models, city and tip. A city an have only one tip. So what i am
trying to do is to add my tip properties to the city form and create or
update the city with his child the tip.
but what i’ve done so far isn’t working… I have this error: undefined
method `build’ for nil:NilClass
Model City:
class City < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name, :continent, :tip_attribute
I have 2 models, city and tip. A city an have only one tip. So what i am
trying to do is to add my tip properties to the city form and create or
update the city with his child the tip.
but what i’ve done so far isn’t working… I have this error: undefined
method `build’ for nil:NilClass
def tip_attribute=(attribute)
If you have a has_many you can do tips.build(…) but with belongs_to
and has_one you need to call build_tip instead
If you have a has_many you can do tips.build(…) but with belongs_to
and has_one you need to call build_tip instead
Thanks Fred, it works better now. But an have another issue. Now the
data are stored in the database but the column city_it in the table tips
is nil.
Do i have the set it the setter like this?
def tip_attribute=(attribute)
attribute[:city_id] = self.id
Tip model:
class Tip < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :min,:max,:city_id