(noob) Help with variables

I’m trying to make what amounts to a cloud files manager using the ruby
API. In the end I want login via MySQL and all that fun stuff, but for
now I want it to just -work-. I’m using eruby loaded via CGI on apache.

So I was able to list the containers on my account:

<% require ‘rubygems’
require ‘cloudfiles’
cf = CloudFiles::Connection::new(‘ryuujinx’,‘APIKEYREMOVED’) %>

Cloud Files Manager

List of Containers:

<% cf::list_containers::each do |listcont| puts listcont + "
" end %>

I could make it do it in a select menu with a form, etc, but my problem
is even if I do post it to a new page, I have no idea how to grab the
variables or anything.

The next step I would want to do is container =
cf::container(‘SELECTEDCONTAINER’) for further manipulation such as the
ability to manage objects inside the container, but I’m kind of lost.

2010/3/11 James D. [email protected]:

cf::list_containers::each do |listcont|
puts listcont + “


I believe you rather want

<% cf::list_containers::each do |listcont| %>
<%= listcont %>

<% end %>

I could make it do it in a select menu with a form, etc, but my problem
is even if I do post it to a new page, I have no idea how to grab the
variables or anything.

Not sure what you mean by “grab variables”. If you need to evaluate
HTML form variables you can use

The next step I would want to do is container =
cf::container(‘SELECTEDCONTAINER’) for further manipulation such as the
ability to manage objects inside the container, but I’m kind of lost.

Kind regards


Robert K. wrote:

Not sure what you mean by “grab variables”. If you need to evaluate
HTML form variables you can use

Kind regards


Basically I want to be able to get variables from posting forms.

In PHP I would want to do something along the lines of

then on somepage.php use

The var on the last page was<?php echo $_POST["somevar"]; ?>

Only using ruby; in the article you linked I see CGI::Query that could
probably work if I use the GET method for the form instead of the POST
method; is there a way to use POST like shown with the php example?

2010/3/11 James D. [email protected]:

Basically I want to be able to get variables from posting forms.
The var on the last page was<?php echo $_POST["somevar"]; ?>

Only using ruby; in the article you linked I see CGI::Query that could
probably work if I use the GET method for the form instead of the POST
method; is there a way to use POST like shown with the php example?

Google for “ruby cgi post” reveals this as first hit:

Note: Ruby will take care of GET and POST methods
automatically. There is no separate treament for these two different

