Hello. I am new to Ferret. I am using it through Acts as Ferret.
Let’s say I have such a table, and all columns are indexed using the
default behavior provided by acts_as_ferret:
[1] A typical request will be “select id from articles where KEYWORDS
% body”. Will id be indexed for fulltext searching? clearly the
fulltext index on id will never be used… id is only in the index so
that it can be returned.
[2] I anticipate that a response might be “because id is numeric and
has a cardinality of 1/1, ferret is intelligent enough to store this
efficiently in a b-tree and not waste space or time on a fulltext
index”. what about if there is a year column, against which we will
never search?
[3] This is an acts_as_ferret-specific question: are there any
convenient methods to do queries against the regular (mysql) database
and the ferret database at the same time? for example, still using
the example above, if year (and maybe several other columns) were NOT
stored in the ferret DB, is there any level of abstraction at which i
can query: “select id, year, author, title from articles where
KEYWORDS % body” ?
thanks for any pointers.
On Wed, Nov 29, 2006 at 07:16:22PM -0500, John B. wrote:
Hello. I am new to Ferret. I am using it through Acts as Ferret.
Let’s say I have such a table, and all columns are indexed using the
default behavior provided by acts_as_ferret:
[3] This is an acts_as_ferret-specific question: are there any
convenient methods to do queries against the regular (mysql) database
and the ferret database at the same time? for example, still using
the example above, if year (and maybe several other columns) were NOT
stored in the ferret DB, is there any level of abstraction at which i
can query: “select id, year, author, title from articles where
KEYWORDS % body” ?
You can give ActiveRecord conditions (and any other options such as
:include or :order) in the second parameter hash to find_by_contents:
Model.find_by_contents( query, {}, { :conditions => [‘year > ?’,year] }
but be aware that these conditions will be applied after searching the
Ferret index, and will further reduce the result set returned by ferret.
This makes Ferret’s :limit and :offset options quite useless. You can
however use these options inside the second hash so they will be applied
to the ActiveRecord find call.
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