IÂ?ve just downloaded and installed Ruby on Rails, on a windows xp
Then I tried the cookbook tutorial, and get NoMethodError in Recipe#New
I try http://localhost:3000/recipe/new/. I could not figure out the
so I tried another tutorial, the todo list one, and the same thing
happens(NoMethodError in todo#list when I try http://localhost:300/todo/ .
Both of these occur right after the step where I add scaffold :todo, or
scaffold Â?:recipe in the controller. So, I figure my scaffold isnÂ?t
built. Is this what it means? What can I do about it. I want to get into
Ruby on Rails, but am stuck for now on the threshold.
after the step where I add scaffold :todo, or scaffold â??:recipe in
the controller. So, I figure my scaffold isnâ??t getting built. Is
this what it means? What can I do about it. I want to get into Ruby
on Rails, but am stuck for now on the threshold.
Hi Sharon,
If you want to rule out the scaffolding as the problem, try making a
simple method like this (no view code or file necessary):
class RecipeController < Application
def test
render :text => “Testing… testing…”
Also, check the logs and you’ll probably find more information
there. I usually use the ‘tail’ command on unix systems to
continuously show me the log file while I develop. If there’s no
equivalent on XP, just open /log/development.log and see what you get
in there.
I�?ve just downloaded and installed Ruby on Rails, on a windows xp
Then I tried the cookbook tutorial, and get NoMethodError in Recipe#New
I try http://localhost:3000/recipe/new/. I could not figure out the
so I tried another tutorial, the todo list one, and the same thing
happens(NoMethodError in todo#list when I try http://localhost:300/todo/ .
Both of these occur right after the step where I add scaffold :todo, or
scaffold �?:recipe in the controller.
Rails 2.x no longer has scaffold as a controller method. You are
following an old tutorial. If you’re using Rails 2.3 (and I hope you
are), try the tutorials at http://guides.rails.info .