
Hi to all!!

I am new to ruby. I am trying to write a program to fetch the data from
Database and written the data using pagination. I could get the data
from DB. but pagination is not working. When i see the log file it is
showing the following error.

NoMethodError: undefined method ‘paginatior’ #<Hash…>

my pginate.rb and pagination.rb files are not in the same folder

Here is my piece of code:

def sample_method

sql = “select * from customers where rownum < 100”

collection = Sample::Models::sa::Customer.find_by_sql(sql)
options={:per_page => 10 , Page => 1}

@pages, @customers = paginate_collection(collection,options)


Can any one point me where i am doing the mistake. Hope any one can help

Thanks & Regards

On 15 Oct 2007, at 14:44, Vijaya Th wrote:

NoMethodError: undefined method ‘paginatior’ #<Hash…>
Sounds like that should be paginator

collection = Sample::Models::sa::Customer.find_by_sql(sql)
options={:per_page => 10 , Page => 1}

that probably wants to be :page


Frederick C. wrote:

NoMethodError: undefined method ‘paginatior’ #<Hash…>
Sounds like that should be paginator

collection = Sample::Models::sa::Customer.find_by_sql(sql)
options={:per_page => 10 , Page => 1}

that probably wants to be :page


It is just a typo mistake :frowning: Actual line is like this

options= {:per_page =>10 , :page => 1}

Thanks for the reply

Frederick C. wrote:

NoMethodError: undefined method ‘paginatior’ #<Hash…>
Sounds like that should be paginator

collection = Sample::Models::sa::Customer.find_by_sql(sql)
options={:per_page => 10 , Page => 1}

that probably wants to be :page


It is just a typo mistake :frowning: Actual line is like this

options= {:per_page =>10 , :page => 1}

Thanks for the reply

the same function paginate_collection is working for another function.
Don’t know where i am doing wrong. Any help in this matter is highly
