NoMethodError when using any?

I’m trying to use CanCan to an account scoped application. I wrote this
method in my ability class:

roles = user.roles.find_by_account_id(
if roles.any? { |role| role.type == "Ownership" }
  can :edit, Account
  can :read, :all

The trouble is, “any?” works when “roles” is an array. Sometimes,
user.roles returns only one object any other times my return nil. So
calling roles.any? causes an error. How do I work around this?

My setup is User has_many Accounts through :roles, and vice-versa.


There are many ways to solve this problem.

One sugestion, maybe not the better: you can use the method kind_of?
to see if roles is a Array.

roles.kind_of? Array
(will return true)

Then, you could build your logic upon this.

Best Regards,

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 2:04 PM, Mohamad El-Husseini

Another way would be to change:

roles = user.roles.find_by_account_id(


roles = user.roles.where(account_id:

Nice, I forgot about that too…

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 2:26 PM, Mohamad El-Husseini

I forgot to mention that where() returns an array where as find_by_foo
returns a single object unless there are multiple objects…

Another way would be to change:

roles = user.roles.find_by_account_id(


roles = user.roles.where(account_id: