Nokogiri on Mediatemple gs

Hi there!
Has anyone tried to install the Nokogiri gem on a Mediatemple

I got a function in my rails app that needs this library, and when i try
to install it i got the problem:

libxml2 is missing. try ‘port install libxml2’ or ‘yum install libxml2’
*** extconf.rb failed ***

which isn’t true, because:

xxxxx@cl02:~$ whereis libxml2
libxml2: /usr/lib/libxml2.a /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

apt-get doesn’t work, because sudo is disabled

so, suggestions?

2009/5/14 Enzo R. [email protected]

xxxxx@cl02:~$ whereis libxml2
libxml2: /usr/lib/libxml2.a /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

If you’re on Debian/Ubuntu, you’ll also need to install ‘libxml2-dev’

On May 14, 2009, at 09:47, Enzo R. wrote:

anyway, anyone is welcome to provide a solution until then :smiley:
Install libxml2 into your home directory then, and point the gem to
your custom install.

Problem solved.

MT has a set of tuned gems, available list on :

so, the issue was resolved with

gem install nokogiri --source=

hope this can help :slight_smile:

Mike D. wrote:

2009/5/14 Enzo R. [email protected]

xxxxx@cl02:~$ whereis libxml2
libxml2: /usr/lib/libxml2.a /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

If you’re on Debian/Ubuntu, you’ll also need to install ‘libxml2-dev’

of course, mt gs runs on debian, but still i can’t use apt-get because
sudo is disabled.

anyway, i opened a ticket to ask for assistance, hope to have the answer
soon, so i’ll post it here

anyway, anyone is welcome to provide a solution until then :smiley: