Nokogiri not parsing the whole document

Hi, I want to scrape the data of each of the products of the following link: Zähleranschlußsäulen TEN Thüringer Energienetz

The problem is that the output always give me the value of the first product, but not of the others… Im grateful for you help. Here is my code:

require “open-uri”

require “Nokogiri”

require “csv”

url = “Zähleranschlußsäulen TEN Thüringer Energienetz

page = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))

articlenum = page.css(“.jcepopup.noicon”)

articlenum.each do |articlenum|

puts articlenum.attribute(“alt”)


“Output: 01.00.1P1” but where are the other numbers??