Noe 1.3.0 Released

noe version 1.3.0 has been released!

Noe is a simple, general-purpose and extensible skeleton generator from
project templates

Noe is a tool that generates project skeletons from predefined
templates. A
template is designed for a specific product (a ruby library, a static or
dynamic web site, …). Noe instantiates templates and helps you
your product via meta-information provided by a .noespec yaml file. In
contrast to other tools, Noe is not specific to certain kinds of
Even if Noe comes bundled with a default template to develop gem
writing your own template is possible and even simple!


1.3.0 / 2011-02-03

  • Bug fixes

    • Fixed a bug in Hash merging when overriding boolean values
    • Fixed .gitignore of default ruby template not bundled with noe’s
      leading to incomplete templates
  • Default ruby skeleton

    • Enhanced the way library version is handled. A !{upper}::Version
      is now generated from
      the noespec (and is kept safe-overridable by default).
      is kept and is set by
      that module to the correct value. As a side effect, the .gemspec can
      be built even if
      dependencies are not met.
    • Added the ability of the template to be tested with rubygems-test
    • spec/spec_helper.rb is not safe-override by default anymore
    • Fixed a bug that led ‘rake -T’ to ignore debug_mail


What are the advantages of noe over GitHub - TwP/bones: Mr Bones is a handy tool that creates new projects from a code skeleton
