No upstream_response_time in access log file

i use nginx as reverse proxy server , and php-fpm as fast cgi upstream.
i found some access in nginx access log file doesen’t has a
“$upstream_response_time” value but a “-” character instead , and
has “$response_time” value.
why ?

for example: - 31/Oct/2012:13:09:34 +0800 POST
HTTP/1.1 499 0($body_bytes_sent) - Dalvik/1.4.0 (Linux; U; Android
LT18i Build/4.0.2.A.0.62) 21($content_length) 2.448($request_time)
-($upstream_response_time) - - -

the response_time is 2.448,but no upstream_response_time, the http
response code is 499,dosen’t mean that nginx did not finish the
“connection” and php-fpm even has no chance to “see” the access ?

Posted at Nginx Forum:


On Sat, Nov 03, 2012 at 09:13:30AM -0400, jonefee wrote:

HTTP/1.1 499 0($body_bytes_sent) - Dalvik/1.4.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.4;
LT18i Build/4.0.2.A.0.62) 21($content_length) 2.448($request_time)
-($upstream_response_time) - - -

the response_time is 2.448,but no upstream_response_time, the http
response code is 499,dosen’t mean that nginx did not finish the
“connection” and php-fpm even has no chance to “see” the access ?

The connection was closed by a client before nginx got anything
from upstream, hence nginx closed upstream connection as well.
The 499 status code logged to indicate this, and there is no
$upstream_response_time for the same reason.

Maxim D.