(no subject)

I do not seem to understad what this error is about. Some body help.

wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
RAILS_ROOT: C:/INSTAN~1/rails_apps/project/config/…

Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/user_controller.rb:10:in authenticate' #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/user_controller.rb:10:inprocess_login’

Gilbert Gift S. wrote:

I do not seem to understad what this error is about. Some body help.

wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
RAILS_ROOT: C:/INSTAN~1/rails_apps/project/config/…

Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/user_controller.rb:10:in authenticate' #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/user_controller.rb:10:inprocess_login’

Hi Gilbert,

It means that the method (authenticate, maybe) is expecting two
arguments but you passed only one. Take a look at your user_controller
about line 10 and see what it looks like. Post the code if you need to.
