No route matches "/home/index" with {:method=>:get}

I followed a tutorial to learn ruby on rails at
After creating a view and controller as “script/generate controller
home index” and then i changed the contents of app/view/home/
index.html.erb file according to tutorial into one line as

Hello, Rails!

                 Now i started the server as script/

server(successfully started) and when i navigate to localhost:3000/
home/index, i got a error message which says

No route matches “/home/index” with {:method=>:get}

Please someone help to resolve.


On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 6:46 AM, amrit pal pathak
<[email protected]


No route matches “/home/index” with {:method=>:get}

Remove the /public/index.html file in your app directory.
Check to see if you have a route for root in your routes.rb file.
If not, make it
map.root :controller => “home”
If you still have problems, post the contents of your routes file.

Also verify that you are actually using Rails 2.3.8. Very basic
check, I
know, but routing syntax is different in Rails 3, and I don’t believe
syntax is supported.

On Apr 17, 2:59am, Jatin kumar [email protected] wrote:


No route matches “/home/index” with {:method=>:get}

Remove the /public/index.html file in your app directory.

Check to see if you have a route for root in your routes.rb file.
If not, make it
map.root :controller => “home”
If you still have problems, post the contents of your routes file.
I added the map.root :controller => “home” at the bottom of
router.rb file and it i could accessed now "localhost:3000/

 Please  explain how it (*map.root :controller => "home"*)  is

working (means which part calls to which).


On Apr 17, 4:01am, Chris K. [email protected] wrote:

Also verify that you are actually using Rails 2.3.8. Very basic check, I
know, but routing syntax is different in Rails 3, and I don’t believe older
syntax is supported.

  I am running rails 2.3.5 and this format worked for me.


On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 9:28 AM, amrit pal pathak
<[email protected]


If not, make it
map.root :controller => “home”
If you still have problems, post the contents of your routes file.
I added the map.root :controller => “home” at the bottom of
router.rb file and it i could accessed now "localhost:3000/

Please  explain how it (*map.root :controller => "home"*)  is

working (means which part calls to which).

Go through the rails getting started guides if you run into issues like
these again. Google it. The first link will get you there.
As far as the above is concerned, map.root tells the route for the root
localhost:3000 in development or in production.