No route matches "/%20questions/showans/1" with {:method=>:g

i face this problem when i submit the information while evaluating the a
new page in a already done scaffold…the new page is
“showans”…i write the link_to tag like this " <%= link_to ‘Submit’,
:controller => " questions", :action => “showans”, :id =>

Salman L. wrote:

i face this problem when i submit the information while evaluating the a
new page in a already done scaffold…the new page is
“showans”…i write the link_to tag like this " <%= link_to ‘Submit’,
:controller => " questions", :action => “showans”, :id =>

Hi Salman,
Do not Put space after define controller or action in link_to tag…
Use below
<%= link_to ‘Submit’,
:controller => “questions”, :action => “showans”, :id =>

2009/8/28 Salman L. [email protected]:

i face this problem when i submit the information while evaluating the a
new page in a already done scaffold…the new page is
“showans”…i write the link_to tag like this " <%= link_to ‘Submit’,
:controller => " questions", :action => “showans”, :id =>

I think the space in " questions" is causing the problem. This can be
seen in the error as %20 is a space.
