I’m trying to get into Ruby using Ralf Wirdemann’s and Thomas B.'s
book “Rapid Web development mit Ruby on Rails”.
Setting up Ruby etc. works fine but when calling http://localhost:300/controller I’m constantly getting
Routing error
no route found to match “/controller” with {:method=>:get}
Database was set up,
rake migrate
did work although I got the following warning:
The rake task migrate has been deprecated, please use the replacement
version db:migrate
I’m trying to get into Ruby using Ralf Wirdemann’s and Thomas B.'s
book “Rapid Web development mit Ruby on Rails”.
Setting up Ruby etc. works fine but when calling http://localhost:300/controller I’m constantly getting
editiere und auskommentiere eine der ersten Zeilen in der
map.connect ‘’, :controller =>‘controllername’, :action =>‘actionname’
(die ersten beiden Hochkommas stehenlassen)
Database was set up,
rake migrate
did work although I got the following warning:
The rake task migrate has been deprecated, please use the replacement
version db:migrate
Davon wirst du unterwegs öfter mal was lesen. Google hilft im
allgemeinen und im speziellen hilft
Im Falle von rake empfehl ich dir auch mal ein rake --tasks
damit du siehst was du damit denn überhaupt machen kannst.