No More Javascript Petittion website

Came across this website that is trying to get another langauge to
javascript. It actually specifically talks about having ruby be the next
language so you can build your whole rails app with one language!!!

Sounds interesting. put some commnets. lets see how they will come…

On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 1:42 AM, Jonathan B. [email protected]


2014-11-03 5:49 GMT-02:00 Sampath M. [email protected]:

El Sunday 02 November 2014, Jonathan B. escribió:

Came across this website that is trying to get another langauge to replace
javascript. It actually specifically talks about having ruby be the next
language so you can build your whole rails app with one language!!!

People behind that website can’t really be serious.

Signing a petition or even raising a huge amount of funds is not going
change the fact that browsers will have to support JavaScript for
decades, and
that a replacement only makes sense if it has enough browser support.
Microsoft and Google are already working on a replacement language for
JavaScript (TypeScript and Dart respectively), and they are doing it in
only way that makes sense: by providing a compile-to-javascript as a
Mozilla I think is not working on a new language, but on ASM.js instead,
is a different beast.

Last but not least, those people opted for trying to critizise
JavaScript by
completely quoting out of context Douglas Crockford, a person who claims
despite its many flaws, JavaScript is a very useful language with great

And the final insult:

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |

That website is totally whack. If you’re going to write a manifesto –
and post it on its own domain – you should at least have something
coherent to say that doesn’t make you sound like a total amateur.

“Because Ruby looks prettier” is not serious argument.

Also I really question the lack of accountability – does the author
have a real name? Whenever I write stuff in the public sphere I use my
real, public name. This notion that it’s ok to be anonymous “just
because” strikes me as very immature and frankly a little bit entitled.

Just my 2¢. Glad you posted it, gave me a good laugh.

On Nov 3, 2014, at 10:48 AM, Alejandro E. [email protected] wrote:

that a replacement only makes sense if it has enough browser support.

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Jason Fleetwood-Boldt
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I’m laughing at them.

Sent from my cell, please excuse any typos.