Nil object in live search

Hi,I am trying to implement a small live search thing in typo. the view
that I interative with is view/admin/content/_form.rhtml I created a
search field when creating an article and use observe_field to observe
this search field and tells the content_controller to search in database
for the appropriate match.

But when I tried to type a letter in the search field, I’ve got the
following error.

NoMethodError in Admin/content#search

Showing app/views/admin/content/search.rhtml where line #1 raised:

You have a nil object when you didn’t expect it!
You might have expected an instance of Array.
The error occured while evaluating nil.length

Extracted source (around line #1):

1: <% if @results.length > 0 && @q != ‘’-%>


RAILS_ROOT: ./script/…/config/…
Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace


anybody has some ideas? Thanks in advance!

The source code shows as follows


<%= text_field_tag(:search) %>

<div id=search_indicator_div
	style="postition: absolute; left: your_X px; top: your_Y px">
	<%= image_tag("/images/spinner.gif", :id => 'indicator_gif_id',
	:style => 'display:none') %>

<%= observe_field(:search,
	:frequency => 0.5,
	:update => :results,
	:url => { :action => :search },
	:loading => "'indicator_gif_id')",
	:complete => "Element.hide('indicator_gif_id')") %>


def search
@q = request.raw_post
# optionally handle the query however you’d like
# fetch some results from a database
@results = Tlc.find(:all, :conditions => [ “loc LIKE ?”, “%” + @q

whereas Tlc is a table that I created and loc is one column in this


<% if @results.length > 0 && @q != ‘’-%>

<% for result in @results %>
  <td align=center>
    <%= result.loc -%><br>
    <%= -%>
Location State
<% end %>

<% else -%>
<% if @q != ‘’ -%>
Sorry, there are no results for:

<%=h @q -%>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>