Nice date function


you know the way the google and this forum presents dates? How it’s
measure from the current date/time and presents nicely as “39 minutes
ago”, 2 days ago, etc.? Has anyone done a gem or other library object
that I can get to do those types of dates?

Thanks so much in advance!


Have a look at DateHelper. I think the method you want is

On Jan 13, 2007, at 04:57 , Mike D. wrote:

you know the way the google and this forum presents dates? How it’s
measure from the current date/time and presents nicely as “39 minutes
ago”, 2 days ago, etc.? Has anyone done a gem or other library object
that I can get to do those types of dates?

Look up distance_of_time_ago_in_words in the Rails API reference.

Jakob S. -

There is also a seperate gem call Chronic,, it you ever need to use this outside of


There is also a seperate gem call Chronic,, it you ever need to use this outside of


OMG! How sweet is rails… You’ve got to be kidding me!

Thank you so much!


you know the way the google and this forum presents dates? How it’s
measure from the current date/time and presents nicely as “39 minutes
ago”, 2 days ago, etc.? Has anyone done a gem or other library object
that I can get to do those types of dates?

It’s builtin to Rails…

