Ngx_openresty devel version released


After about one week’s active development, the new development version
ngx_openresty,, is now released:

OpenResty® - Open source

Below is the change log for this release, as compared to the last

  • upgraded the Nginx core to 1.2.1.

  • upgraded LuaNginxModule to 0.5.2.

    • bugfix: header_filter_by_lua* did not run at all when
      body_filter_by_lua* is defined at the same time. thanks
      Tzury Bar Yochay for reporting this issue.

    • feature: added the “inclusive” option to the
      cosocket:receiveuntil method to include the delimiter
      pattern string in the resulting data read. thanks Matthieu
      Tourne for the patch.

    • optimize: merged two successive Nginx pool allocations in
      “ngx_http_lua_socket_resolve_handler” to reduce overhead.

  • upgraded EchoNginxModule to 0.39.

    • bugfix: EchoNginxModule’s configure directives was not
      inherited automatically by “location if” inner blocks.

    • bugfix: the old HTTP 1.0 protocol handling was wrong. we
      should leave that to the Nginx core and just output
      responses without a “Content-Length” response header.

    • bugfix: reading the $echo_it variable outside of the
      echo_foreach_split loop resulted in memory invalid reads and
      hence segfaults; now it is evaluates to the special “not
      found” value. thanks baqs for reporting this.

  • upgraded PostgresNginxModule to 1.0rc1.

    • bugfix: memory leak might happen if nginx 1.1.14+ is used
      and (at least) “libpq” fails to connect to the remote
  • upgraded the (optional) no-pool patch to the latest version,

    • bugfix: we should postpone freeing the “elts” storage for
      “ngx_array_t” to “ngx_array_destroy” when resizing the array
      because at least the “ngx_rewrite” module stores external
      references to the array elements.

The HTML version of the change log with lots of helpful hyper-links can
be browsed here:

Special thanks go to all our contributors and users for helping make
happen :slight_smile:

OpenResty (aka. ngx_openresty) is a full-fledged web application server
bundling the standard Nginx core, lots of 3rd-party Nginx modules, as
as most of their external dependencies. See OpenResty’s homepage for
