Ngx_openresty devel version released!

Hi, folks!

After more than one month’s hacking, I’m happy to announce the new
development release of ngx_openresty,

OpenResty® - Open source

Complete change log (compared to can be seen here:

OpenResty® - Open source

This is the first ngx_openresty release based on the Nginx 1.0.15
core. (And yeah, we will eventually move onto the 1.2.x stable branch

Special thanks go to all our contributors and users for helping make
this happen :slight_smile:

We’ve started running extensive regression tests in our test cluster
based on Amazon EC2. And you can always view the latest test report

We’re still adding more operating systems and more Nginx versions to the

OpenResty (aka. ngx_openresty) is a full-fledged web application
server by bundling the standard Nginx core, lots of 3rd-party Nginx
modules, as well as most of their external dependencies.

By taking advantage of various well-designed Nginx modules, OpenResty
effectively turns the nginx server into a powerful web app server, in
which the web developers can use the Lua programming language to
script various existing nginx C modules and Lua modules and construct
extremely high-performance web applications.

See OpenResty’s web site for more details:

Have fun!

Thanks! I’ll begin some testing.

Is your plan to release a a sable 1.0.15 before working on 1.2.x or
doing them in parallel? Let me know how I can help.


On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 6:55 PM, Brian A. [email protected] wrote:

Thanks! I’ll begin some testing.

That’s great!

Is your plan to release a a sable 1.0.15 before working on 1.2.x or doing them
in parallel?

There will be a stable release of ngx_openresty in the 1.0.15.x branch
before the first devel version in the 1.2.0.x branch. But I’ll work on
these two branches in parallel myself in the git repository.

Let me know how I can help.

Please try out the latest devel versions with your business test suite
or something like that and report any regressions (or any new bugs)
that you notice :slight_smile: That’ll be very helpful.


Great Work!

I’ve been tinkering with openresty recently in some new projects and I’m
pretty impress!

Keep rocking and let me know how can i help you!
