Hi, folks!
I’m happy to announce that ngx_drizzle v0.1.1 has been released. You
can download the latest release tarball from
This release fixed a long-standing segmentation fault on 32-bit
systems, as well as some other issues. Here goes the complete change
- fixed segmentation faults on 32-bit systems. thanks @魏世江 and
@stefanli for reporting this issue. - documented the $drizzle_thread_id variable.
- added lots of debug outputs (enabled by the --with-debug option
while building Nginx or OpenResty), inspired by github issue #10. - fixed issues regarding defining global variables in C header files:
we should have defined rds_rough_col_type_t as a type rather than a
global variable. thanks @姜大炮. - documented the python → python3 pitfall while building libdrizzle
1.0 on at least ArchLinux. - fixed the automatic libdrizzle searching algorithm in the config
file: now we should look under libdrizzle-1.0/ instead. thanks 支家乐
(Calio) for reporting this issue.
ngx_drizzle is an nginx upstream module integrating libdrizzle into
Nginx in a non-blocking and streamming way.
Essentially it provides a very efficient and flexible way for nginx
internals to access MySQL, Drizzle, as well as other RDBMS’s that
support the Drizzle or MySQL wired protocol. Also it can serve as a
direct REST interface to those RDBMS backends.
This module does not generate human-readable outputs, rather, in a
binary format called Resty-DBD-Stream (RDS) designed by ourselves. You
usually need other components, like ngx_rds_json [1], ngx_rds_csv [2],
or lua-rds-parser [3], to work with this module. See the RDS output
format spec for more details:
You can find the complete documentation for ngx_drizzle on Nginx Wiki:
and the latest source is on GitHub:
This module is also bundled (though not enabled by default) by the
ngx_openresty bundle:
You can check out this wiki page to enable this component while
building ngx_openresty:
Have fun!
[1] GitHub - openresty/rds-json-nginx-module: An nginx output filter that formats Resty DBD Streams generated by ngx_drizzle and others to JSON
[2] GitHub - openresty/rds-csv-nginx-module: Nginx output filter module to convert Resty-DBD-Streams (RDS) to Comma-Separated Values (CSV)
[3] GitHub - openresty/lua-rds-parser: Resty DBD Stream (RDS) parser for Lua written in C