Hi, I’m having a bit of aggro getting Unicorn and Nginx setup to where
Uncorn.rb actually loads. Second prob is getting Nginx to properly
recognize the new app listed as server in nginx.conf
Does anyone know of any good articles on this setup? I’ve looked a tried
few but with no success. Puma & Apache setup worked just fine, but I’m
really keep to go Nginx/Unicorn. Thanks.
Thanks for your help, I’ve made a number of changes to the nginx conf
files so may be way off target by now. Getting Nginx, Rails, Postgres
pretty straight foward, the unicorn thing is a bit challenging despite
following a few blog article how tos. Here’s my github gist on 4 files:
I’m glad to help. I did get to review both of the gists you posted up
and your nginx configuration does look proper. This leads me to suspect
there is a config issue with unicorn. Do you have a gist of the unicorn
config I can look at?
Also, are you making sure to have unicorn listen on a unix socket
located at /tmp/unicorn.modelesprit.sock instead of a tcp port?
I’m glad to help. I did get to review both of the gists you posted up
and your nginx configuration does look proper. This leads me to suspect
there is a config issue with unicorn. Do you have a gist of the unicorn
config I can look at?
Also, are you making sure to have unicorn listen on a unix socket
located at /tmp/unicorn.modelesprit.sock instead of a tcp port?
Dwight S. (@denzuko)
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