I am using the official Debian package (stable) and I noticed the
file, in its do_stop() function, sends SIGTERM to the master process.
However, the docs say SIGTERM (and SIGQUIT) sent to the master process
provokes a ‘fast shutdown’ whereas SIGQUIT would provoke a ‘graceful
Why is not SIGQUIT being used? What is the difference between those
termination signals, speaking of nginx behavior?
B. R.
On Mar 20, 2014, at 12:28 , B.R. wrote:
I am using the official Debian package (stable) and I noticed the service file,
in its do_stop() function, sends SIGTERM to the master process.
However, the docs say SIGTERM (and SIGQUIT) sent to the master process provokes
a ‘fast shutdown’ whereas SIGQUIT would provoke a ‘graceful shutdown’.
Why is not SIGQUIT being used? What is the difference between those termination
signals, speaking of nginx behavior?
Graceful shutdown means that nginx does not close active client
connections. This may take hours.