Nginx SSL proxy

Hello all,

I have nginx to reverse proxy SSL site to end users. (And yes, I
need SSL on the back-end as well as on the front-end.)

The problem is - it is too slow (~200ms overhead per each request).

I found this comment from Dave C.:

The the dog slowness you are seeing is probably nginx renegitiation SSL on
every backend request. At the moment nginx will issue a connection close
after each request.

So my question is whether it’s still true for the nginx-0.7.34 ?
(assuming that client to nginx keeps single connection alive for all

In the log file I can see several entries like:

2009/02/13 02:35:33 [debug] 26638#0: *1 SSL handshake handler: 0
2009/02/13 02:35:33 [debug] 26638#0: *1 SSL_do_handshake: 1
2009/02/13 02:35:33 [debug] 26638#0: *1 SSL: TLSv1, cipher: “RC4-MD5
A Au=RSA Enc=RC4(128) Mac=MD5”
2009/02/13 02:35:33 [debug] 26638#0: *1 save session: 08975D40:2
2009/02/13 02:35:33 [debug] 26638#0: *1 http upstream send request

Does it actually mean the SSL connection initialization to backend?

Turning on google_perftools_profiles gave me the following list but
I’m not sure how to interpret the results and whether is shows the
full picture:

pprof --text /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx profile.24433

Total: 51 samples
11 21.6% 21.6% 11 21.6% _x86_AES_encrypt
5 9.8% 31.4% 5 9.8% sha1_block_asm_data_order
4 7.8% 39.2% 4 7.8% AES_cbc_encrypt
4 7.8% 47.1% 4 7.8% memcpy
4 7.8% 54.9% 4 7.8% __epoll_wait_nocancel
3 5.9% 60.8% 3 5.9% md5_block_asm_host_order
3 5.9% 66.7% 3 5.9% __read_nocancel
2 3.9% 70.6% 2 3.9% RC4
2 3.9% 74.5% 2 3.9% __write_nocancel
1 2.0% 76.5% 1 2.0% bn_sub_part_words
1 2.0% 78.4% 1 2.0% __gettimeofday_internal
1 2.0% 80.4% 25 49.0% ngx_worker_process_cycle
1 2.0% 82.4% 1 2.0% CRYPTO_lock
1 2.0% 84.3% 4 7.8% ngx_ssl_send_chain
1 2.0% 86.3% 1 2.0% lh_doall_arg
1 2.0% 88.2% 1 2.0% OPENSSL_cleanse
1 2.0% 90.2% 1 2.0% ERR_clear_error
1 2.0% 92.2% 1 2.0% tls1_mac
1 2.0% 94.1% 1 2.0% BN_from_montgomery
1 2.0% 96.1% 1 2.0% ngx_palloc
1 2.0% 98.0% 6 11.8% ngx_http_write_filter
1 2.0% 100.0% 1 2.0% RC4_set_key
0 0.0% 100.0% 1 2.0% DH_OpenSSL
0 0.0% 100.0% 6 11.8% ngx_http_postpone_filter
0 0.0% 100.0% 1 2.0% ERR_add_error_data
0 0.0% 100.0% 2 3.9%
0 0.0% 100.0% 3 5.9% ssl3_write
0 0.0% 100.0% 12 23.5%
0 0.0% 100.0% 10 19.6% ngx_event_pipe

So my question is whether it’s still true for the nginx-0.7.34 ?
(assuming that client to nginx keeps single connection alive for all

Looking throught the 0.7.x release notes, there is no indication
reverse proxying is supported yet.



On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 02:40:25AM +0200, Pavel Ivashkov wrote:

So my question is whether it’s still true for the nginx-0.7.34 ?
2009/02/13 02:35:33 [debug] 26638#0: *1 http upstream send request

Does it actually mean the SSL connection initialization to backend?

Yes, as nginx still does not use persisent connection to backend, it
has to do SSL renegitiation. However, it tries to reuse previously
saved SSL session, this eliminates RSA:

proxy_ssl_session_reuse on|off; # default is on

Changes with nginx 0.7.11 18 Aug

*) Feature: the "proxy_ssl_session_reuse" directive.

If a session was reused you will lines:
"SSL: TLSv1, cipher: “RC4-MD5 SSLv3 Kx=RS A Au=RSA Enc=RC4(128) Mac=MD5”
“SSL reused session”

However, I can not say what may be a cause of 200ms delay.
Probably tcpdump may help.

   4   7.8%  54.9%        4   7.8% __epoll_wait_nocancel
   1   2.0%  88.2%        1   2.0% OPENSSL_cleanse
   0   0.0% 100.0%        3   5.9% ssl3_write
   0   0.0% 100.0%       12  23.5% ngx_http_upstream_process_upstream
   0   0.0% 100.0%       10  19.6% ngx_event_pipe  

As I understand here main CPU hogs are AES/SHA cipher, but not RSA.

Here are RSA related functions:

    1   2.0%  76.5%        1   2.0% bn_sub_part_words
    1   2.0%  94.1%        1   2.0% BN_from_montgomery