Hi, I’m running ubuntu server 12.04 and the latest version of nginx. The
problem I am having is that nginx seems to be ignoring the server_name
command, I am able to access the server by going to the IP address of
server or by going to the server’s name (http://ubuntuserver/) but http://test/ will give me nothing, no connection, not even an error
page. I
have checked that the website file (in enabled-sites) is included in the
nginx.conf file and I have correctly restarted nginx having changed
settings. I have tried with the whole server block stripped down to just
server_name designation and still I can’t get anything at http://test/
in this case I get an expected error page on http://ubuntuserver/
I can only deduce that for some reason the “server_name” command is
If anyone could give me any advice with regards to this then it would be
much appreciated.
I can only deduce that for some reason the “server_name” command is being
I really doubt it is. It’s an absolute cornerstone of how nginx works.
a) Does your machine resolve the correct IP address when asking your
hostsfile/DNS/etc for “test”? server_name doesn’t automatically point
your browser towards the correct machine …
b) The first server{} stanza for an IP:port pair is the default one
served when a request comes in on that IP and port, and the Host
header doesn’t match /another/ server_name configured elsewhere for
that same IP and port. Unless there’s a dedicated default server …
You may wish to set up a sacrificial default server to make nginx’s
behaviour more obvious.
This is roughly what I have (typed but not tested, FYI):
server {
listen 80 default_server;
server_name _;
return 400 “Server not configured”;
I’ll have a go with your
suggestion Jonathan and report back!
My suggestion for a default server will not fix your inability to
resolve the site’s name. It’s just a sanity thing you’ll find useful
if you set up more server{}s over time. You need to fix the DNS/etc
issue, once you prove it exists as per the above.
I’ve just tried on the server “ping test”, and I get no packet loss, it
seems to be looking fine. I also tried “curl -i http://test/” and I get
output as the code that makes up the html of my page, so it appears that
nginx is working fine, but when I try going to http://test/ on another
machine on my home network then I get nothing, I agree that this must be
some kind of DNS issue here, but how does one go about fixing it?
On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 08:01:33AM -0500, constable1 wrote:
Hi there,
I am able to access the server by going to the IP address of the
server or by going to the server’s name (http://ubuntuserver/) but http://test/ will give me nothing, no connection, not even an error page.
Jonathan, I’ve added to the host file of my server test, but
have no luck locally. I have also tried port forwarding from my router
80 to port 80) and am unable to then connect to my server using my
public IP
address. Do you know if there are any forums which could help me in this
I’ve just tried on the server “ping test”, and I get no packet loss, it all
seems to be looking fine. I also tried “curl -i http://test/” and I get the
output as the code that makes up the html of my page, so it appears that
nginx is working fine, but when I try going to http://test/ on another
machine on my home network then I get nothing, I agree that this must be
some kind of DNS issue here, but how does one go about fixing it?
Work put how the machines should be resolving “test” to an IP
address, and add entries so that they can.
This may be your hosts file, if you’re doing internal, LAN-only
development, or a DNS server somewhere.
This is somewhat of out of scope for the nginx list now, though …
I am trying to access the web server from a bunch of windows machines (I
don’t have any linux desktops). My /etc/hosts file already reads: localhost ubuntuserver test
Where the final address is the local address of the server. When I do
curl operation from the server on http://test/ then I get the index.html
page back, which is encouraging, but when I try to ping it from any of
windows machines then I get nothing.
On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 06:54:58PM -0500, constable1 wrote:
Hi there,
I also tried “curl -i http://test/” and I get the
output as the code that makes up the html of my page, so it appears that
nginx is working fine, but when I try going to http://test/ on another
machine on my home network then I get nothing,
? Do that from whatever machine you want things to work from. The output
is unlikely to be “nothing”, and is likely to give an indication of the
first problem.
And you can still test the nginx side without fixing name resolution by
looking at the output of
Francis, forgive me, I was accidentally editing the host file on the
machine, stupid mistake, I’ve now got it sorted and working for a public
On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 07:01:45AM -0500, constable1 wrote:
Hi there,
Francis, forgive me, I was accidentally editing the host file on the wrong
machine, stupid mistake, I’ve now got it sorted and working for a public IP
On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 06:32:07AM -0500, constable1 wrote:
Hi there,
I am trying to access the web server from a bunch of windows machines (I
don’t have any linux desktops). My /etc/hosts file already reads: localhost ubuntuserver test
/etc/hosts is for local-to-this-machine name resolution. It is the
machine – the one running the web browser – that needs to resolve the
name “test” to the ip address.
So if you try on a windows machine, you must have the “test” entry in
the /etc/hosts file on that windows machine. Searching the fine web
should tell you exactly which file that corresponds to on the version
of windows that you are using.
Where the final address is the local address of the server. When I do the
curl operation from the server on http://test/ then I get the index.html
page back, which is encouraging, but when I try to ping it from any of my
windows machines then I get nothing.
When you type “curl -i http://test/” from a command shell on any one
windows machine, you get immediately returned to the prompt with no
other output? Likewise when you use the other curl command suggested?
That is unexpected to me and I do not know how to proceed.