Nginx reverse proxy odd 301 redirect


I have latest nginx which I am using as a reverse proxy for an
of mine running on apache on another server. The nginx config is like
upstream upstreamname {
server ip:port;

location / {
proxy_pass http://upstreamname;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

So my problem appears with a certain change password script new users
use when they login first time after their username was created.

If I use apache directly then the change password script works fine. If
I do
it using nginx as reverse proxy then at the point where I press the
button and the POST should happen, I can’t see the POST hitting the
backend(no entry in access log) but I can see an odd 301 redirect with
POST request to the script in the nginx access log.

Any idea of what could be the cause? Anything I am doing wrong?

Please help

Posted at Nginx Forum:


On Sat, Oct 05, 2013 at 06:16:24PM -0400, izghitu wrote:

location / {
use when they login first time after their username was created.

If I use apache directly then the change password script works fine. If I do
it using nginx as reverse proxy then at the point where I press the submit
button and the POST should happen, I can’t see the POST hitting the apache
backend(no entry in access log) but I can see an odd 301 redirect with the
POST request to the script in the nginx access log.

Any idea of what could be the cause? Anything I am doing wrong?

As long as the above configuration is a full configuration of a
server{} block, there shouldn’t be any 301 redirects returned
directly by nginx. Most likely what you observe is a result of
incorrect configuration of server{} blocks and/or wrong hostname
used in request.

If it’s not a full configuration - there isn’t enough information
to provide any help. See here for some tips what can be useful:

Maxim D.


The problem was hostname related.

Thanks for your help

incorrect configuration of server{} blocks and/or wrong hostname
used in request.

Posted at Nginx Forum: