Nginx Regexp Plugins

This plugin in base on ngx_cache_purge-1.4

P.S: This plugin current will blocking web request, now is only for
test. I cannot found a method to make nginx run a new thread.

location ~ ^/regex_purge(/.*) {
proxy_cache_batchpurge cache_zone $1$is_args$args;




P.S: This plugin current will blocking web request, now is only for test.

I know you’ve got good intentions, but this module will kill your box.

I cannot found a method to make nginx run a new thread.

Just fork() the worker process.

Best regards,
Piotr S. < [email protected] >

I have tried for this, but when done the first time, it will have some
error for next. I Have thinking for spawn a process at startup or
using nginx cache manager process to do this.

Piotr S. [email protected] 於 2011-11-17 1:32 寫道: