Nginx page caching not working for responses with valid (rfc 1123 compliant) Expires header

I am on nginx-1.7.1 & trying to use nginx’s page caching feature but run
into an issue for responses with a valid ‘Expires’ header which seem to
be in the correct rfc 1123 compliant format. Nginx somehow doesn’t like
it & hence doesn’t cache such responses. Is this a bug ?

Config in http block to enable page caching

proxy_cache_path /opt/zimbra/data/tmp/nginx/cache keys_zone=zimbra:10m;
proxy_cache zimbra;
proxy_cache_key “$scheme$request_method$host$request_uri”;
proxy_cache_valid 200 302 10m;
add_header X-Proxy-Cache $upstream_cache_status;

Logs showing that a .css with a valid Expires header doesn’t get cached
because of header parsing failure

2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http upstream request:
2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http upstream send request
2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http upstream send request
2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 chain writer in:
2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 event timer: 21, old:
1426013969478, new: 1426013969533
2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http upstream process header
2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 SSL_read: 3904
2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http proxy status 200 “200 OK”
2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http proxy header: “Date: Tue,
10 Mar 2015 18:58:29 GMT”
2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http proxy header:
“X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN”
2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 ngx_http_parse_time failed:
h-> = Thu, 9 Apr 2015 19:58:29 GMT, h->value.len = 28
2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http proxy header: “Expires:
Thu, 9 Apr 2015 19:58:29 GMT”
2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http proxy header:
“Cache-Control: public, max-age=2595600”
2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http proxy header: “Vary:
2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http proxy header:
“Content-Type: text/css”
2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http proxy header: “Vary:
Accept-Encoding, User-Agent”
2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http proxy header:
“Content-Length: 295693”
2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http proxy header done
2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http script var: “MISS”
2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 spdy header filter
2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 malloc: 00000000025EB460:385
2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 spdy deflate out:
ni:00000000025EB5C8 no:00000000025D780E ai:0 ao:56 rc:0
2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 spdy:3 create SYN_REPLY frame
00000000025D7858: len:374
2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http cleanup add:
2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http cacheable: 0

Code added in src/http/ngx_http_upstream.c to throw the
‘ngx_http_parse_time failed’ debug

expires = ngx_http_parse_time(h->, h->value.len); —> Returns

if (expires == NGX_ERROR || expires < ngx_time()) {

ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0,

“ngx_http_parse_time failed: h-> = %s, h->value.len = %d” ,

h->, h->value.len);

u->cacheable = 0; —> sets cacheable to 0 here & hence does not gets

return NGX_OK;


Logs showing that a gif image without Expires header gets cached

2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http upstream request:
2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http upstream process header
2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 SSL_read: 899
2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 SSL_read: -1
2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 SSL_get_error: 2
2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http proxy status 200 “200 OK”
2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http proxy header: “Date: Tue,
10 Mar 2015 18:58:35 GMT”
2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http proxy header:
“Content-Type: image/gif”
2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http proxy header:
“Last-Modified: Tue, 03 Mar 2015 01:41:21 GMT”
2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http proxy header:
“Accept-Ranges: bytes”
2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http proxy header:
“Content-Length: 729”
2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http proxy header done
2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http ims:1425346881
2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http script var: “MISS”
2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 spdy header filter
2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 malloc: 00000000025C92B0:181
2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 spdy deflate out:
ni:00000000025C9365 no:000000000260ECBB ai:0 ao:31 rc:0
2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 spdy:39 create SYN_REPLY frame
000000000260ECF0: len:195
2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http cleanup add:
2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 spdy frame out: 000000000260ECF0
sid:39 prio:5 bl:1 len:195
2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 SSL buf copy: 203
2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 SSL to write: 203
2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 SSL_write: 203
2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 spdy:39 SYN_REPLY frame
000000000260ECF0 was sent
2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 spdy frame sent:
000000000260ECF0 sid:39 bl:1 len:195
2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http file cache set header
2015/03/10 13:58:35 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http cacheable: 1


On Tuesday 10 March 2015 14:42:41 Kunal P. wrote:

I am on nginx-1.7.1 & trying to use nginx’s page caching feature but run into an
issue for responses with a valid ‘Expires’ header which seem to be in the correct
rfc 1123 compliant format. Nginx somehow doesn’t like it & hence doesn’t cache
such responses. Is this a bug ?

How is RFC 1123 related to the Expires header?


2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http proxy header: “Expires: Thu, 9 Apr
2015 19:58:29 GMT”

It’s wrong, it has only one digit day. See RFC 7231 for details:

wbr, Valentin V. Bartenev

----- Original Message -----
From: “Valentin V. Bartenev” [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 1:10:09 PM
Subject: Re: nginx page caching not working for responses with valid
(rfc 1123 compliant) Expires header

On Tuesday 10 March 2015 14:42:41 Kunal P. wrote:

I am on nginx-1.7.1 & trying to use nginx’s page caching feature but run into an
issue for responses with a valid ‘Expires’ header which seem to be in the correct
rfc 1123 compliant format. Nginx somehow doesn’t like it & hence doesn’t cache
such responses. Is this a bug ?

How is RFC 1123 related to the Expires header?



2015/03/10 13:58:29 [debug] 17311#0: *7 http proxy header: “Expires: Thu, 9 Apr
2015 19:58:29 GMT”

It’s wrong, it has only one digit day. See RFC 7231 for details:
RFC 7231 - Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content

Aah didn’t catch that. So looks like an issue on my upstream. Although
throwing some kind of debug here (that its not rfc compliant) would have
been helpful.


wbr, Valentin V. Bartenev

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