Nginx location - pass certain content type to apache backend

Hi all,

I have following configuration

    location ~* 

root /data/www/;
access_log off;
expires max;
add_header Last-Modified: $date_gmt;

    location /get/ {
    proxy_pass http://domain-dev;

How do I tell nginx to ignore serving jpg|png|mp3 for /get
location and pass them to apache instead?


Posted at Nginx Forum:

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 05:01:25PM -0400, dannym wrote:

    location /get/ {
    proxy_pass http://domain-dev;

How do I tell nginx to ignore serving jpg|png|mp3 for /get location and pass them to apache instead?

There are two ways:

  1. forbid testing regex after static “/get/…” matched:

      location ^~ /get/ {
  2. add second regex:

      location ~ ^/get/.\.(jpg|png|mp3)$ {
          proxy_pass http://domain-dev;
      location ~* ^.+\.(jpg|png|mp3|ico|css|zip ...
      location /get/ {
          proxy_pass http://domain-dev;

See also:

Igor S.

Exact match is working. Thanks, Igor.

Posted at Nginx Forum: