Nginx: invalid host in upstream

I’m trying to run a Rails app using Nginx with 5 Thin servers.

I created the thin.yml file and when I run the start command, I get:

bitnami@linux:/opt/bitnami/projects/ndeavor/current/config$ thin -C

Starting server on …

Starting server on …

Starting server on …

Starting server on …

Starting server on …

I created a ndeavor.conf file in nginx/conf/vhosts that looks like this:

And if I run the command to start Nginx, I get this:

bitnami@linux:/opt/bitnami$ sudo ./ start nginx
nginx: [emerg] invalid host in upstream "" in


Posted at Nginx Forum:

From: “Reddirt” [email protected]

bitnami@linux:/opt/bitnami$ sudo ./ start nginx
nginx: [emerg] invalid host in upstream "" in


What is your upstream section of the configuration file? Do you have
“/ndeavor” as part of the server statement? Try taking it off.

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I don’t think that you can use a path behind the server. The Upstream
is a server name itself (with port), not with something like
“/something” at
the end.

Posted at Nginx Forum:

It looks like Bitnami expects the Rails app to be in url/appname. So, I
just removed the /ndeavor from the thin.yml and from nginx.conf.

This is what my thin.yml looks like now:

And this is my nginx.conf:

I’m using Bitnami Rails stack that runs Ubuntu.

I now start the Thin with this: thin -C thin.yml start

And I start Nginx with this: bitnami@linux:/opt/bitnami$ sudo
start nginx

And they both start OK.

But, when I go to my website url, I get this message “The service is not
available. Please try again later.”

I don’t know where that message is coming from.

Posted at Nginx Forum:

I restarted. Now I’m getting the website without the CSS. I thought
would provide the static webpages including CSS.

How can I tell if Nginx is running properly?

Sorry - This is my first time trying this.

Posted at Nginx Forum:

My Rails app has this in production.rb: config.serve_static_assets =

When I run Thin by itself, I have to make that true.

I thought with Nginx it would stay false.

Posted at Nginx Forum:

OK - we can close this thread. But, I’m going to start a new one
because I
still can’t get to my Rails app.

Posted at Nginx Forum: