Nginx http auth module query


I have the following use case -

I have nginx running at port 80 and a php hiphop server running at 4247.
I want to achieve the following configuration -

Whenever a request is received at nginx port 80, it should be sent to
some auth_url (say auth.php) and if it is authorized then it should be
forwarded/proxied to hiphop server running at 4247. If not some error
page should be thrown.

I was looking through ngx_http_auth_request_module and other inbuilt
modules. But I have the following doubts -

  1. What could the possible config look like where both
    ngx_http_auth_request_module and proxy_pass are included?
  2. For my auth.php, what should it return true/false or something else?


Posted at Nginx Forum:

On 17 Fev 2012 03h49 WET, [email protected] wrote:

some error page should be thrown.

location /index.php {
error_page 401 403 /not_authorized.html;
auth_request /auth.php;
proxy_pass http://hiphop:4247;

location = /auth.php {

FCGI stuff or whatever PHP CGI you’re using.

auth.php should return 401 or 403 when auth process fails, return

200 otherwise


— appa

Thanks for the response.

For this -

location /index.php {
error_page 401 403 /not_authorized.html;
auth_request /auth.php;
proxy_pass http://hiphop:4247;

Does it mean that auth.php should be available via the url -
http://hiphop:4247/auth.php ?

location = /auth.php {

FCGI stuff or whatever PHP CGI you’re using.

auth.php should return 401 or 403 when auth process fails, return

200 otherwise


Does it enter this section after it gets 2xx response from auth.php?

Posted at Nginx Forum:

Thanks it works !

Posted at Nginx Forum:

One additional question here -

In this as I understand it redirects to error_page on receiving a 4xx
status code. Is it possible that nginx reads the value of error page
from a custom header which comes along with the response (with 4xx
status code) and then assign the value of error_page to that value.

Posted at Nginx Forum:


On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 03:57:50AM -0500, karanj wrote:

One additional question here -

In this as I understand it redirects to error_page on receiving a 4xx
status code. Is it possible that nginx reads the value of error page
from a custom header which comes along with the response (with 4xx
status code) and then assign the value of error_page to that value.

You may use use auth_request_set to make headers available as
variables in main request.

See docs here:

Sample usage may be seen in tests here:

Maxim D.

It doesn’t work for me.

I have 3 files running under HipHop -

  1. /tf/test.php - This file sets the session variable -
    and then sends header(“HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized”);
  2. /tf2/test2.php - This prints “It works”
  3. /tf2/test.php - This prints “Error Page”

My config looks like this -
The output on running should be

  • “Error Page”. But this is not happening.

The nginx error logs shows the following -

2012/02/17 18:52:45 [error] 10103#0: *4 the rewritten URI has a zero
length, client:, server:, request: “GET
/tf2/test2.php HTTP/1.1”, host: “”

server {
listen 8080;

    location / {
            auth_request /tf/test.php;
            error_page  401 = /40x.html;
    location /tf/test.php{

    location = /40x.html {
            auth_request_set $err $upstream_http_x_errorpage;
            rewrite /40x.html $err;

Posted at Nginx Forum:

On 17 Fev 2012 04h08 WET, [email protected] wrote:

Does it mean that auth.php should be available via the url -
http://hiphop:4247/auth.php ?

You must create a location that overrides the “default” PHP
handling location.

location = /auth.php {

FCGI stuff or whatever PHP CGI you’re using.

auth.php should return 401 or 403 when auth process fails, return

200 otherwise


location = /auth.php {
proxy_pass_request_body off;
proxy_set_header Content-Length ‘’;
proxy_set_header X-Original-URI $request_uri;
proxy_pass http://hiphop:4247;

Note that the auth_request module only uses the headers. So your
auth.php authorization script must take that into account.

Does it enter this section after it gets 2xx response from auth.php?

When the /auth.php location returns 200 then the request is
authorized and the request is proxy passed to the hiphop upstream in
the index.php location from the above example.

— appa

One correction -
/tf/test.php - This file sets the header - header(‘X-ErrorPage:
and then sends header(“HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized”);

Posted at Nginx Forum:

That worked. Awesome and thanks a lot !


Posted at Nginx Forum:


On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 08:30:33AM -0500, karanj wrote:

The output on running should be
location = /40x.html {
auth_request_set $err $upstream_http_x_errorpage;
rewrite /40x.html $err;

You have to use auth_request_set in the same location with
auth_request directive.

location / {
    auth_request /tf/test.php;
    auth_request_set $err $upstream_http_x_errorpage;


Maxim D.